

12 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure


How do you even know if you have high blood pressure? The body functions in such a perfect way that no matter how little a sign it must inform you something needs to be fixed just like a  machine but better.
High blood pressure is often a result of the unusual force exerted against the arteries wall in the cause of oxygenated blood distribution to all body organs from the heart.

In today’s article, we have listed out some of the most common signs and symptoms a condition of high blood pressure gives. High blood pressure is mostly a result of noncompliance to medical instructions on the path of people.

A lot of people don’t even pay attention to the high blood pressure thing while the others just shy away from it because they are scared of bad news.

High blood pressure issues, in the long run, can degenerate to kidney, brain, eyes and heart troubles and failure. A case of high blood pressure isn't one to be taken lightly.

Therefore it is important that you pay close attention to the health status of the vital organs in your body and even all organs by controlling your blood pressure limits around 120/80 that is the normal blood pressure range. Anything above this translates to hypertension and other health related issues for a person. 

12 Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

At around 120-140 can still be controlled taking a few precautionary measures like reducing your salt consumption, have more vegetables to eat, cholesterol reduction, stopping alcohol consumption, stop smoking, exercising regularly etc.

There is no one pin-point-able symptom of high blood pressure as a variety of other ailments can prompt various signs but a simultaneous experience of a series of symptoms listed below can be worrisome. 

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

1. Flushed Face

2. Dizziness

3. Nose bleeding

4. Breathlessness

5. Restlessness

6. Fatigue

7. Nausea

8. Vomiting

9. Low Libido

10. Profuse sweating

11. Tinnitus

12. Insomnia

Without confusion, these are some of the most common symptoms but they will vary from person to person. High blood pressure symptoms can sometimes occur in a normal blood pressure situation but it’s safe to know where you stand when you begin noticing most of these symptoms. At worse sometimes high blood pressure will not show any noticeable symptom.

Some severe cases of high blood pressure can cause brain swelling, damaged kidney, and heart. Like I said, these things vary and sometimes you might not even notice or get any of these symptoms but still suffer from high blood pressure.

140mm Hg and above is a real cause for alarm and for you to be on the safer side do see a doctor, you don’t have to wait until you get totally knocked out, carelessness kills.

This still boils down to a regular blood pressure check to enable you take a quick action if the para-venture it is any cause for alarm. Health is the real wealth my friend, don’t joke with it.

There you have it. Just the right information you need to help you become more health cautious. Have you noticed anything out of these common symptoms? See a doctor and get checked to know where you stand.

How did you manage your blood pressure issues in time past? Add value to this post. Let’s discuss it over in the comment section.

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